Empowering everyone in England to experience the health and wellbeing benefits of singing a song they love, out loud!
We love watching people blossom and reach their full potential and at Find Your Voice we love helping them do it. We're loud, we're boisterous, and we're energetic, and we bring creativity and energy into communities through singing. We do this to give everyone a voice, their unique, individual voice; the one that makes them rise up to be seen and heard. The one that reminds them and their community how much they are worth.
Find your voice uses great music and favourite songs to create activities and singing programmes that we deliver into marginalised communities. We turn up in those communities with all the bells and whistles to disrupt a space and infuse it with new vitality and excitement, working with those communities so they find their voice and sing their song out loud. Ultimately, we want communities to be hungry for more, we want friends and neighbours to join in the fun until we have reached every vulnerable or marginalised person in the UK so that their song and their unique voice can be heard.
Our mission

Our Programmes
We Are Family
Singing, noise and mess for adults and children under 5.
A multi sensory adult and child singing programme designed for Early Years settings. We use lots of mess, noise and fun to increase family wellbeing and creativity in everyday community settings. Using the early years foundation stage, our singing, play and movement programme gives adults the skills they need to support their children under 5 into school readiness, encouraging independence and building creativity into their everyday lives.
About We Are FamilyCome Together
Singing the songs a community loves as part of a group.
A programme that creates a singing group from members of the immediate community. It nurtures confidence, motivation and self-esteem as people come together to form a supporting, fun, kind and creative space. Delivered directly into the heart of communities around the UK, these sessions are to build stronger connections through the love of singing joyfully out loud. The programme is perfect for charities, social care setting and community spaces.
About Come TogetherTwist and shout
Where adults in later life or with disability can sing and move to the music they love.
A multi-sensory singing and movement programme for vulnerable community members with disabilities and adults later in life. Instruments, multi-sensory materials and a whole load of energy ensure this programme enlivens a care or community setting with favourite songs and colourful exercises.
About Twist And ShoutEveryday people
Where learning disabled adults can create the soundtrack to their lives.
A multi-sensory singing and movement programme for learning disabled adults to explore health, wellbeing and body autonomy through their favourite songs, fun activities and colourful conversation.
About Everyday PeopleOur programmes transform a group of beneficiaries, carers, patients or service users into creative learners, progressing them from passively giving and receiving care, to having cultural influence and opportunity. This is what Find Your Voice is all about.

Working with your community
Find Your Voice designs and animates creative arts programmes that are delivered by trained, qualified experts to people who have been disadvantaged by historic patterns of cultural under-funding. Our commitment to working in partnership with our funding partners has resulted in our reputation for deliver excellence in the cultural learning sector.
Placed into the heart of each community, we collaborate with care providers and local authorities to deliver our programmes directly to target beneficiaries, taking funding into communities and organisations not previously engaging with the arts. Whilst talent may be equally spread across the UK, we know that cultural opportunities are not, and our programmes are designed to widen access and participation for previously overlooked groups.
We deliver our programmes through community-based specialists, our programmes are user-led, with each facilitator skilled in building a curriculum of music and movement that reflects everyone, within every community.
Our funders make it possible for us to continue delivering our programmes where they are most needed.